Takashi Ogawa was born in Japan in 1960. At 17 he won first place in a guitar contest and was invited to perform with the Yokohama Orchestra. Fascinated by Western culture since his childhood, Takashi Ogawa went to live in Europe, where he took courses with Hector Quine and Joan Kemp-Potter at the Guildhall School of Music in London. He worked with Segovia in Grenada, then with Rafael Andia and François Martin at the École normale de Musique in Paris, and he studied analysis, music history, and chamber music with the renowned Alberto Ponce. Ogawa went on to study harmony and counterpoint with Gérard Castagnet, Jean-Michel Bardez, and Pierrette Mari. Takashi Ogawa has won awards in any number of musical competitions. His works were immediately admired and performed in Paris, Japan, Brazil, the United States, the Near East, and Taiwan. In 1995, he would receive Japan’s Takei Award for his Élégie pour la stèle d’un inconnu that Productions d’OZ now has the privilege of publishing. Ogawa is often commissioned to compose large works, and though many of his compositions are written for guitar, he writes for all sorts of instrumental combinations as well as for orchestra.